|  +91 - 8400719660 |  9450249555, 8765736701

Organisation History

In 1992 Lily Mathew and Dr. Neeti Bhai after their many years of work and experience in Bihar among poor people came over to Varanasi and began to organize the poor in and around Saranath. In 1994 they formed an association together with a few committed social activists and thinkers from Varanasi and got it registered under the name of Lok Chetna Samiti. Since then it has been actively involved in animating, educating, organizing and empowering the poor for their integral growth and participation in the ongoing process of community development.

Purpose & Strategies

The mission of the organization is to prepare a movement of people, capable of making an effective contribution for bringing about a societal change in favor of the poor and the marginalized.

1. Building up of Panchayat communities in a process of bringing about a social change in favour of the poor at the grassroots level of village panchayats within a process of nation-building.

2. Strengthening of grassroots democracy, Gram Sabha, Empowerment & Development through the Medium of Panchayats in our selected area of operation at the micro-level.

3. Empowerment of women and their integral development by way of building up their leadership and collective strength.

4. Economic Empowerment of women through formation and strengthening of their Self-Help-Groups.

5. Right to Education of girl-children, especially the most underprivileged sections of our society.

6. Caste/Religious Harmony with Dalit Empowerment, their societal integration and inclusion.

7. Right to Food.

8. Right to Work, Corruption-free implementation of MANREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act) and other welfare schemes.

9. Right to Information.

10. Role of Youth in the Societal Transformation and nation building, based on Constitutional Values.

11. Promotion of Right to Education.