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Gandhi Jayanti Celebration

Lok Chetana Samiti celebrated Gandhi Jayanti today in four blocks namely Kerakat. Kashi Vidyapith, Cholapur and Chiraigaon. In Chiraigaon all the animators, children, people from nearby villages and all the speakers enthusiastically took part in Gandhi jayanti event celebration. All the speakers shed light on Gandhiji’s invaluable contribution in India’s freedom struggle and how principles of truth and non-violence are still remembered today. Vijay Bhai the chief guest of the event spread the message of endurance, peace, harmony and expressed his gratitude to Gandhiji for giving us the powerful tool of non-violence. Our residential Girls sang some songs based on truth and nonviolence message of Baapu. One of the brave girls Shikha presented her own insights on the Gandhian philosophy and became centre of attraction. Indeed she spoke brilliantly with dedication and pride to Gandhi’s ideology. It gave us a feeling that Gandhi is still thriving in the hearts of the people. Nothing can take away our freedom and dignity.

The assembly ended with the students marking their respect by singing Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram… which aptly matched with the principles of our “Father of the Nation.”

LCS Celebrates Independence day

Any festival seems to be incomplete without celebration, singing, dancing and several enjoyable and creative activities, be it a national festivals or religious festivals. Independence Day is one such day, which is celebrated with lot of vigor, enthusiasm and patriotism. It reminds us about the struggle, sacrifices and hardships of our freedom fighters and great leaders, who sacrificed their life for our country.

The day was celebrated colorfully in all the block levels of Lok Chetana Samiti namely Cholapur, Kerakat, Kashi Vidyapith and at the Head Office Chiraigaon too. The programme at the head Office began with a patriotic song sung by our senior animator Surender who was hosting the programe too. He hosted the programme beautifully. After the patriotic song, Mrs. Ranju Singh, The Executive Director of Lok Chetana Samiti delivered an inspirational speech by shedding light on the importance of this day. After the speech one more song was sung followed by sweet distribution.

Girls Protection Awareness Campaign

Women have landed on the moon, walked in space, been elected as heads of states, they have proved themselves as equal to men in every way, yet they are not safe in their own surroundings. Aggression and assault is women’s reality, crime against women is a daily occurrence, and class and qualification hold no significance. These attacks are all abuses of power, where the attacker uses the act of violence dominate and demonstrate power over victims. The sad reality is that we live in an increasingly violent society in which the fear of crime is ever present. Personal safety has become an issue of importance for everyone, especially women. To survive women need to fight back. The first step towards effective self defense is to realize no matter what, all of us are susceptible to various forms of crime. And it is well documented that women of all ages have successfully defended themselves against male attackers. Eve teasing, sexual harassment, molestation, domestic violence etc. no matter what the statistics are, if you are being harassed or assaulted it will be 100 percentage. The situation needs to be addressed and taking a step forward LOk CHETANA SAMITI organized a month long campaign called Girls Protection Awareness Campaign in various schools of Chiraigaon and Cholapur blocks with the support of the Police departments. After each session in the schools an Anti Romeo squad was formed who will report to the police, if there is any Eve teasing, Sexual harassment, molestation, violence against women in their own surroundings.

Opening up doors for Adolescent Girls by Three Days Residential Training in Lok Chetana Samiti

Three days residential training was held in Lok Chetana Samiti where in adolescent girls from all the four blocks (namely Kerakat, Chiraigaon, Cholapur, and Kashi Vidyapith) have participated. Total numbers of participants were 65. The objective of the training was to make the participants aware of different situations and how to deal with them. Also covered were the topics of "Myths about women, gender equality, sexuality, reproductive health, violence and self-defense", body language", "how to use everyday items as weapons and basics about the reprisal procedures and how to approach the police.

The workshops highlighted the fact that it was absolutely essential that women/girls raise their voice against any misconduct and get the perpetrators to justice as it will not only teach the perpetrators a lesson but also act as a deterrent against them repeating the offense. The idea, that one will be able to pick out a potential attacker by their appearance, age, class, relation, gender, and what they do for a living is a mistake. The message loud and clear was Gone are the days when girls were required to lower their gaze, walk straight and speak softly, the mantra for today is look up, be alert about what is happening around you and speak up against injustice.

Opening up doors for Adolescent Girls by Three Days Residential Training in Lok Chetana Samiti

Three days residential training was held in Lok Chetana Samiti where in adolescent girls from all the four blocks (namely Kerakat, Chiraigaon, Cholapur, and Kashi Vidyapith) have participated. Total numbers of participants were 65. The objective of the training was to make the participants aware of different situations and how to deal with them. Also covered were the topics of "Myths about women, gender equality, sexuality, reproductive health, violence and self-defense", body language", "how to use everyday items as weapons and basics about the reprisal procedures and how to approach the police.

Two Days Seminar Training Programme for the Youth

Jaya Prakash once stated that Total Revolution is a combination of seven revolu­tions, viz., political, social, economic, cultural, ideological or intellectual, educational and spiritual; and the main motive to bring in a change in the existing society that is in tune with the ideals of the Sarvodaya. JP had a very idealistic notion of soci­ety and it is in this endeavor, he shifted from Marxism to Socialism and later towards Sarvodaya. By the early 1970s, JP completely withdrew from party and power politics, and con­centrated more on social regeneration through peaceful means. This did not mean that JP kept quiet while there was social and political degeneration taking root in political freedom. In order to better the situation, despite his old age, he embarked on the task of working towards bringing in a complete change in the political and economic life of India. Initially, he tried to organize people and make them conscious or aware of the situations and then appealed to the leaders. But with no response, he began to organize youth to save the democracy from degeneration and called this revolution as Total Revolution. To rekindle this concept of Total revolution, two days training programme for the youth was organized in Lok Chetana Samiti. Second day the roles, duties and responsibilities of the youth in the society were highlighted. How they can play an effective role to bring gender equality in the society. In future they will never show any indifference to boy child or girl child. With this resolution they went for Lunch Break. After the break they came back with vigor saying that following day was World Environment Day, it is our day to do something to take care of the earth, to protect the environment. As a sign of doing something they planted some plants in and around the campus. After the plantation youth left the campus with the heartfelt gratitude in their heart.


Hundreds of villagers took part in a rally and signature campaign to create awareness of the importance of voting as part of the election Campaign held by LCS in all the four blocks. Inaugurating the rally, The coordinator of Prerna Kala Manch, Mukesh Kumar under whose leadership a street play was performed, appealed to the Villagers to not only ensure that they themselves voted in the upcoming Election but also ensure that their parents and all family members exercised their franchise. “The objective must be to achieve 100 % polling in our district,” he told the Villagers. Students from the School took part in the rally. Carrying placards and raising slogans on the importance voting, the students carried out the rally to the surrounding villages.

Samvidhan Samman Yatra/ Nation-wide Yatra from Dandi to Delhi reached Lok Chetana Samiti on 28th Nov. 2018.

The Yatra is travelling through various States in the country holding meetings, discussions, public events, supporting struggles, sharing the grief of victims of violence and hate and spreading a message of plurality, love and peace. It will culminate at Jan Sansad in Delhi on December 10, the International Human Rights Day.

Training on Health

organized for ANM and Asha workers