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Women constitute half of the humanity and competent to accelerate inclusive progress through their participation and decision making. But women all over the world are challenged by a number of obstacles that restrict their ability to play significant roles in their communities and the broader society. Empowered women and girls have a truly transformative role to play in their communities but they are rarely afforded the opportunities that will allow them to fulfil their enormous potential.

Women comprise half of the world's population and are a fundamental group in every society. In Indian society, women have a disproportionate burden of household work. They are seen as the primary caregivers for their family but are undervalued within their communities, and are often treated as second-class/subordinate citizens. They are subjected to gender-based violence, forced marriages and are excluded from desired educational and developmental opportunities. Lok Chetana Samiti (LCS) strongly advocate that we must work together to change this and our women must speak out and be heard and accepted - to make decisions affecting their own development and to have control over their life and resources. Women should have equal rights, equal access to property and a say in decisions made, especially those directly affecting them.

Gender-based violence is a crime against human rights, negatively impacting women and communities around the country. It is predominantly inflicted by men on women and girls. Such violence is also a major health concern, putting women at risk for physical and emotional injuries. When women are empowered to assert their human rights, whole communities gain in terms of accelerated progress: skills are upgraded, economies are revitalized, families and society are safer. All women and girls are entitled to inalienable human rights, including the rights to liberty, freedom of expression, and equality before the law, as well as social, cultural and economic rights.

LCS strives to create a world where women have the right to live free from all forms of violence. We recognize the continuum of violence, from domestic and intimate-partner violence, to political violence, and violence in the public space. We also look at the root causes and factors that promote a culture of violence in our societies. Hence, we ensure just solutions to the world’s inequalities, the end of gender-based violence, and women and girls’ entitlement to all their human rights.

The core goal of LCS is to protect women from discrimination and violence while promoting a culture of gender equality. Another priority is that to educate & empower women in the grassroots. We are engaged to reduce and eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls address women and girls especially those at risk.

Our endeavours also involve the participation of men and boys in order to educate them and seek their active involvement in ending violence against women and girls and we also provide gender sensitivity training to Men from all walks of lives to prevent and respond to violence against women. We also aim at increasing women’s political participation, leadership, and influence in the decisions that affect their lives, including through leadership trainings and education and with a focus on ‘Women and Girls.’

Mahila Chetana Samiti that is the women’s wing of Lok Chetana Samiti is promoting human rights awareness in the public domain through Public Campaigns and Mass Mobilization to increase awareness of and prevent violence, as well as in leadership development for women who have experienced gender-based violence. It aims at improve their capacity to promote State compliance with Human rights obligations and protect the rights of women, particularly those from disadvantaged and marginalized Groups and Communities.

We also intend to achieve tangible results in the lives of specific groups of women and girls by providing legal and temporal assistance to women and girls who are victims of violence whatever the circumstances (domestic violence or conflict related etc.). Sexual Harassment through verbal, psychological, and physical violence aimed at intimidating women into socio-political submission, bullying or coercion of a sexual nature, or the unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favours in the workplace, school, or in public settings are being addressed.

We promote the following Values/principles while working with Women

1. Right based approach

2. Women as rights holders promote Gender Equality & Justice

3. Increase women’s access to and control over resources and assets

4. Socio-political and cultural participation in Decision Making in the society

5. Promote Women’s Movements for asserting their Dignity, Rights and resolving issues and minimising violence against women

6. Develop Women friendly Grassroots Communities based on Human Values

7. Advocacy and Action for women’s rights

8. Fostering Dialogues

9. Funding & Skills Development to women as small Entrepreneurs


Conventions of Women on the occasion of the International Women’s day were held in Chiraigaon on 15th and in Kashi Vidhya Peeth Block on 16th March 2012. In Chiraigaon about 1700 women and in KV Peeth 433 women participated, besides small groups of men in support. In Chiraigaon, besides a few enlightened women from the city, LCS members Kumud Ranjan and Lily Bahen and a retired army officer, Col. S.K. Agrawal and in Kashi Vidhyapith, the newly elected member of UP Assembly, Mrs Anupriya Patel addressed the crowd of women and highlighted their peculiar problems in the country.

It was emerged as days of public celebration and women’s collective power was demonstrated publicly in Chiraigaon and Kashi Vidhyapith through rally before the convention. The public witnessed active participation of illiterate rural women from different villages in a competitive spirit for putting up street plays, mono-acts, group and single dances, songs, speeches etc. Many women effective presented of their experiences, showing the actual plight of women. In the beginning an annual report of MCS of the activities of MCS was presented in Chiraigaon and KVP. MCS organizations in 3 villages were honoured publicly for their outstanding performances; they were Saraiya, Piyari and Narpatpur. The entire program resulted in making a powerful impact on the participants for greater involvement and on the society in general an appreciation of women-s action for social change.

Our Programs