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We plan to have a youth group who would be instrumental in building the panchayat communities. We intend to have at least 25 youth carders both boys and girls who will know the democratic values and stand for social justice and will ready to work for just and equalitarian society. Through leadership trainings and social awareness Programs we hope to form out of these youth efficient and talented village citizens who will lead the developmental activities in favour of poor and marginalized.

Main Objectives

• To organise adolescent girls for socio-economic enhancement

• To increase their level of knowledge and information on health and family life

• To sensitize them on gender discrimination and its effects on women

• To build up confidence, dignity self acceptance in themselves as human beings with self-worth

• To equip them with useful and productive skills


Identification of 25 adolescent girls and boys in every village was our principal aim in the first two months. We had made the strategy to approach a few youth in each village asking their problems as youth they face in the society. This focused group discussions helped to choose a few youth who are interested in societal issues. We then entrusted these people to collect a few more members of similar thinking. This was a challenging work because the adolescent girls and boys in the villages are either engaged in their studies or working outside of their villages. To tackle this situation we had to make us available on Sundays and other holidays.

In this strategic plan we have formed 29 groups of adolescent girls and boys consisting both between the age of 15 to 25 during the last one year. They are instructed to have regular monthly sittings at their villages where they take up emerging issues concerning them or from their own villages and plan strategies to tackle them.

Details of adolescent girls and boys Groups

2 CHOLAPUR 17 280
TOTAL 42 549


1. There are 42 adolescent girls and boys’ clubs formed during the last one year.
2. Club Members became aware of their role-responsibility.
3. In Delhana the club members met the Pradhan and demanded for the benefit of Youth Mangal Dhal a Government program run for youth orientation and sports kit.
4. Some of the Youth are part of our Village Vigilance Group.
5. In Latauni and Magaruha the club members are monitoring the Midday Meal Scheme run for the Primary School Children.


Organisation of adolescent girls were formed and organized for preparing them as good mothers and responsible citizens. In Chiraigaon block 23 village panchayats, in Cholapur 19 panchayats and in Kashi Vidhyapith Block 13 villages we have KISHORI sangatan who are members of this organization.

Main Objectives of the program:

1. To organise young mothers and adolescent girls for socio-economic enhancement.
2. To increase their level of knowledge and information on health and family life.
3. To sensitize them on gender discrimination and its effects on women.
4. To build up confidence in themselves as human beings with self-worth.
5. To equip them with useful and productive skills.

The Leadership among the adolescent girls is emerging. In e ach village group there are a few selected as Sakhi and Saheli (leader- companions) who function as leaders. They too are interested to form SHGs in their villages for small savings. Five SHGs are already formed. They take support from parents and parents get better motivated through them. Now, there is greater interest among girls and their parents for their proper education.


LCS celebrated ‘International Girl Child Day’ in the month of September to promote and protect girl children in our society. Many programs were planned and prepared for and with the girl children (Youth Groups) of our area of operation in three different Blocks. The main objective of the program was to conscientize the young girls of their identity and dignity in particular and to educate the general public about girls as an individual who is inevitable part of the society and their Womanhood in general. It was also emphasised that as girls they have equal rights for Property, Education, and Dignity as girls/women in the society.

The Girl Child Day was celebrated in Chiraigaon on 08-9-2012, Cholapur on 11-09-2012, and Kashividyapith on 15-09-2012 respectively. There were 630 girl participants in Cholapur who came from different village schools and village centres. The thrust we set for Cholapur Block was ‘the socio-economic and educational situation of girls in the society and the need to bring about change in the present situation.’ There were 650 girls and other participants who gathered from near by villages at LCS premise at Chiraigaon. In Kashi Vidhyapith Block the program was organised at Ramleela Maidan that witnessed a large rally led by girl children who flocked from neighbouring schools and villages. They aired their concerns through slogans and placards and further made their demands in an open meeting.

The program was coloured with cultural programs. There were 310 girls participated in Kashi Vidhyapith Block.

On this occasion girls from Youth Chetana Samiti and girls from different schools put up a rally in three Blocks to conscientize elders and the society at large to encourage girl children in every walk of life. They performed skits, group songs, single and group dances to make the day colourful. Mrs. Ranju Singh, the Deputy Executive Director of LCS and Mrs. Jagruti Rahi facilitated the program at Chiraigaon Block.

Since we have been working on women empowerment this was a time for us to express our vision and commitment towards the society. These programs brought out the importance of girls and women in social transformation and their contribution in nation building.

The chief Objectives of the program are:

i. To create awareness in the society towards the decreasing number of girl children.
ii. To create awareness in the parents towards education and health issues of girl children.
iii. To bring together adolescent girls on a platform where they can have mutual exchange.


• Adolescent girls of 12 schools and 73 villages participated in the programs.
• Balika Diwas boosted the entire team to have regular meetings at grassroots.
• Girl Children who put up programs became active in the village group after the program.
• An understanding against female feticide was developed among the girls.
• Leadership skills in the girls were developed.
• People who listened the speakers were motivated and made resolution that they would promote the girl children.

Our Programs